Voice class

for academy students and young professionals

Otakar Ševčík v době největší slávy učil stovky studentů, kteří za ním jezdili z celého světa až do malého kraje na jihu Čech. Málokdo ví, že vedle autorství vynikající metodiky výuky smyčcové techniky byl také vášnivým zpěvákem a letošní pěvecká třída se hrdě hlásí k jeho odkazu. Povídat si budeme o zdravé práci s hlasem a dechovou technikou, o stylovosti ve vokální hudbě s příklady repertoáru od baroka po 20. století a sluchové analýze. Cvičit budeme volný tón, pružný dech, otevřenou vokalizaci, přirozenou rezonanci a vše, co činí zpěv krásným. To vše za citlivého doprovodu Lenky Navrátilové, dlouholeté klavíristky Pražského filharmonického sboru.

What do we offer?


Music education

Master classes with the musical staff are the foundation of the Ševčík Academy’s learning experience. These take the form of both public master classes and private lessons.


Festival concerts

Students of the Academy will have the opportunity to perform at concerts held during the festival, and free admission to all festival concerts where they are not performing, including the concerts given by the teachers and invited guests.


Individual approach

The Academy’s mission is to support and further the development of every student, whether by focusing on instrumental technique or by learning the traditional repertoire.


Personal development

As a new feature, we will be offering popular presentations on the topic of personal development. These presentations will feature talks and lectures not only by the Academy team members, but also by guests such as the concert master of the Berlin Philharmonic.


Orchestra Š

During the Academy, students will have the opportunity to explore the possibilities of ensemble technique by playing, together with the teachers, in the experimental “Orchestra Š”.



Lectures and seminars, on the life and work of Otakar Ševčík and instrumental technique in general, are an integral part of the Ševčík Academy.


On-line masterclasses

We have arranged for some of the most sought-after professors in the world to connect with us in Horažďovice on-line.


Chamber playing

Students have the opportunity to form various chamber ensembles, led by our teachers, and perform together in concert.


Accompanying program

During the Academy, attendees will be able to visit an exhibit on Otakar Ševčík, try out new instruments and bows, and learn more about musician health topics.


Sport and leisure activities

There will be a sports program, led by interns, which will feature a ping pong tournament, football matches, and nature walks.


Accommodation and meals

Student housing is located within easy walking distance of all the Academy’s activities and students will take their meals together with the teachers at Hotel Prácheň.


Collaborative pianists

Lenka Navrátilová

Lenka Navrátilová

Collaborative piano

Useful Information


  • The recommended day of arrival is on Sunday, August 4th, 2024. On the same day, between 3 and 5 PM the registration of the attendees will take place in the Art Nouveau hall of Hotel Prácheň.
  • The closing concert will take place on Sunday, August 11th, 2024 at the Horažďovice Castle
  • The departure of all participants is on Sunday, August 11th 2024
  • The latest deadline for registration through the online form is the 29th of May 2024


All students will be accommodated within the premises of the former Franciscan monastery which is now the residence of the Horažďovice High School’s boarding houses. Within the same compound (in a direct proximity to the accommodation), there is an Elementary Art School which provides an alternative opportunity for practice. Hotel Prácheň, one of the centers of the Ševčík Academy’s activities, is about 1-minute walk away from the accommodation, and Horažďovice’s main square and the palace, where other parts of the programme take place, are less than 5-minute walk away from the accommodation.


Both the students and the lecturers will be provided with breakfasts, lunches and dinners in Hotel Prácheň which has a superb restaurant at its disposal. The meals are suitable for vegetarians, vegans and people with intolerances and allergies as well.


  • By bus: We recommend a direct bus connection from Prague (2 hours).
  • By train: We recommend to take a link from Prague with a transfer in Pilsen (2, 5 hour).
  • By car: from Pilsen (1 hour), from Prague (2 hours), from Munich (3 hours) or from Vienna (3, 5 hours).

Pedagogical supervision

In case the participant is younger than 18 years, a pedagogical supervision will be provided. Nevertheless, students attend the classes individually. For this reason, every underage participant has to submit a Consent of a Legal Representative regarding the agreement with individual lessons attendance at the arrival.

Voice class 2024

date 4th–11th August 2024
  • Music education
  • Festival concerts
  • Individual approach
  • Personal development
  • Orchestra Š
  • Lectures
  • On-line masterclasses
  • Chamber playing
  • Accompanying program
  • Sport and leisure activities
  • Accommodation and meals
490 € / 550 USD
Applications soon